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parrotfish hematoma

23 11:51:14

QUESTION: hello, i have 10 small parrot fish and two  small clown loaches in a 180 litres tank. i have the tank  about 2 months . the temperature in the tank is about 28C. I feed them three times a day but i don't give them much food. i give them granulated fish food and flakes. recently there appeared a hematoma near the tail of the  biggest parrot fish which is about 4 cm long. of course there is nothing sharp in the tank and no other fish could harm day the hematoma becomes more intense and the other less but it doesnt disappear .  the fish seems to be ok and it eats properly. few days ago i added aquavital stress protect but it didn't help at all.i would really appreciate if you could help me with that because i can find no information. thank you

ANSWER: Hello,
I must tell you that a 180 litre tank is much too small for 10 Parrot fish, and two clown loaches!!    Their growth will be stunted, and their internal organs will have no room to grow.  They will get sick, and for this there is no cure.   In a 180 litre tank there is room for 2 parrot fish, and maybe a school of tetras.  Clown loaches grow to be very big also, but seeing as they are mostly bottom fish, you could probably get away with it, hopefully.  When adding fish to a tank, you must always be aware of the size they will reach when they will be adults.  Many people make this mistake, and then the fish they got attached to, and loved, die.  This is sometimes the fault of the vendor who doesn't tell the customer what he/she should know before buying the fish.  I'm sorry I have to tell you this.  You will have to bring back some of your fish, and ask for a credit.
Your fish has something wrong internally.  He is bleeding internally.  This can be caused by water conditions.  Check your water to see if you have ammonia or nitrates in it.  If you do, make water changes everyday of 30% until you get rid of it.  It is also due to overstocking.  When a fish internal organs have no room to grow, this happens.  The only cure is to give him more room, and make sure your water chemistry is right.
I hope he will pull through, and again, I am sorry to bring you such bad news.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hello, i am sorry for this question since it may seem quite fulish but when changing water daily, do i have to add chemicals for the chlorium, since here in greece water contains too much of it

Every time you change water you must add a good water conditioner.  Here in America, we have "Stress Coat" and "AquaPlus" which are very good.  You must have something similar.  These products remove the harmful metals in tap water, and chlorine.  I hope that all goes well for you, and write me whenever you have any questions.  There is nothing foolish in asking questions, it is more foolish not too!!  I will try to help you as much as I can.  