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Hole in the head on Oscar

23 14:46:10


I have a 14 inch Oscar that is 4 years old.  I am certain that he has hole in the head disease and am unsure of how to treat it.  I live in a very limited area and there is no pet store in the area.  If you could tell me how to help my Oscar out that would be great.  He is still eating and swimming normally and his behavior is normal just has a bunch of small hole on the top of his head and one larger one closer to the back of the head that has a white center.  i am not sure if that one is hole in the head or not.  Thanks again for any help you give and for your time.


Hi Twyla,
 The best thing you can do is more frequent water changes.  Hole in the head seems to be associated with excess nitrogen in the water.  Oscars are particularly sensitive to this.  More water changes will keep this under control.

-- Ron
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