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Swordtail female

23 14:50:50

I have a 10 gallon tank with a filter and a light. In that tank I have three painted swordtails as well as a few other fish. One of my swordfish females(I have two females and a male) has been acting very weird lately. She looks like she is gasping for air. She acts like she is fine, but sometimes, she stays away from all the other fish, and just sits there. She still eats though. Could she be pregnant, or is something wrong with her? She has been doing this for a week or so.
Thank you!

Hi Natalya,
 It is possible she is pregnant but it is also possible that she is getting old or is being picked on by one of the other fish.  Keep a close eye on her and see if that is happening. If
it is, you may have to separate her from the rest.

-- Ron
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