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i dont know about my new fish

23 14:59:35

i just got 2 new shubunkin fish n i think ones a boy n the other a girl b/c of their behavior my one fish has a totaly black eye is that normal n how will i know when my fish lays eggs please answer my question i don't know much about my new fish but i would like 2

Hello Kay!

It's perfectly normal for fish to have black eyes - In fact, I have a fantail right now who has a black spot over his eye; the pigment should not cause any problems (It's kind of like freckles)

As for eggs, your fish will only spawn if they have a plant in the tank to hide their eggs in. The eggs look like little clear-white balls, and they will stick to the plant. If you want to double-check the sex of your fish; generally, females are fatter than males. If one fish is always chasing the other, than you may have a pair.

Good luck with your new friends!
-Amber Worman