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Betta Tanks

23 14:59:34

I read your FAQ section and it said that bettas need to be in no smaller than a gallon size tank.  I've recently bought 2 male bettas and the store had a double betta tank so they could share the same tank, it has a divider.  It's not a gallon, but they seem to be doing very well in the tank.  I opted for that tank because I wanted 2 fish and it doesn't take up very much room.  I thought that with the tank being made specifically for bettas, it would be big enough for them.  Is it bad to use the betta tanks that are sold in the stores?  If so should I opt for the 2.5 gallon size and how would I go about still being able to keep them both?

Hi Lillian;

Unfortunately, there are many tanks 'specifically made for bettas' that don't have enough room. The companies that manufacture them don't know enough about bettas. Or worse, they simply don't care. It's a marketing gimmick that works. They sell literally millions of them.

Your bettas might do okay as long as you change the water twice a week. They are probably still maturing and growing though, so watch their fins and make sure they can "stretch out" in there and move around. If not, they need a bigger tank. Waste is the major issue too. The smaller the tank, the more concentrated the wastes are, and the greater the chance that they become ill from it. Just keep it clean and don't overfeed.

If you decide to get a larger tank, there are aquarium dividers available to insert into them. Or, you can even make your own with a little tube of silicone aquarium sealer and some plastic needlepoint craft mesh. Cut it with scissors to fit and make it tall enough that they can't jump over it or swim under it. This will have to be done 2 days before using the tank to let the little spots of silicone sealant 'cure'. Mark the tank into two equal halves with a washable felt-tip marker (on the outside). Apply the silicone in several small dots or one thin long bead on the inside and then put the mesh in. Let it dry for a couple of days and then rinse and fill the tank. Glass works too but if the tank has a filter, only one side will be filtered.

In case you haven't been to them, here are betta sites with good info to help you further;

Keep up the good work and have fun with your little friends!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins