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just stocked second tank w/chiclids +

23 15:06:29

I just moved and finally set up my second tank (55 gallon) my other tank is a 75 gallon (already set up) I took a small pleco from my other tank & our irridescent shark as well. I put them in the 55 with 4 small firemouth chiclids.  It has been 3 days and all seems well so far.  Is this tank stocked as much as it should be?   Water temp is at about 78-80,  nitrate & nitrite are 0, ph is about 7.4 or so, chlorine is normal and alkaline is just a bit low. (I added buffer for that).

Hi Diane,
  4 firemouths, a pleco and an irridescent shark are not overstocked in a 55 gallon.  However, give the tank a while (about a month or so) to settle down before considering adding any more fish.   The nitrate and nitrite will likely bounce around a little during the coming month as the tank gets established but with that relatively low number of fish, these bumps should pass.  

-- Ron
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