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growth on betta fish

23 14:57:34

I have had my Betta fish for almost 2 years.  Recently he has started to form a growth where his tail begins.  It is huge and it seems to weigh him down so that he is struggling when he swims.  It is round and white and about the size of a pea.  He was really fiesty when I got him and now he just lays on the bottom of the tank and rolls to the side cuz the growth is so heavy.  It seemed to have started after the other Betta died (they were separated with a divider).  I hate to see him suffer.  Please let me know what you think.  Thanks.

Hi Sarah;

You could try an antibiotic called "Maracyn 2" and see if it helps. Usually bacterial infections are reddish, but I really can't think of anything else it could be that's treatable. Fungus usually doesn't grow that way and it doesn't sound like a parasite. Keep his water as warm as you can and as clean as possible too.

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins