Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > normal platy waste?

normal platy waste?

23 11:14:45

QUESTION: Hi Ron! 2 of my platy fish (sunburst %26 marigold) expel their waste in VERY long strands often as long as they are about 1.5". The waste will hang on for sometimes more than an hour getting longer and longer.This occurs several times a day. They are both females and appear quite fat. I do have a male gold Mickey platy in with them so it's possible they could be pregnant. I have 1 other female red Mickey and she is also very large in the belly but expels waste in small amounts rather quickly as does my male. My question is if this normal or even common? I feed them just a few flakes twice a day. A couple days a week I feed an algae disc (as I hear platys love the veggies in them) in the am and a few blood worms in the pm. On these days they do not get any flakes. I hope this is enough information to help. Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional information. Thank you in advance for your time.

ANSWER: Hi Jennifer,
 As long as the feces are brown, then it is all good and shows that they are eating and digesting well.  It may not be pretty, but it brings joy to a fishkeeper's heart.  

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Should I be concerned if sometimes the waste is very white and appears quite thick and tube-like?

Hi Jennifer,
  Unfortunately, if the waste is very white you definitely need to be concerned. It is a clear indication of intestinal parasites in the fish.  

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>