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pangasius catfish

23 14:01:56

Hi, I have a 46 gallon tank with a heater and dual filter. I have 1 Chinese algae eater, 3 giant danios, 3 long finned zebra danios, 3 long finned rosy barbs, and 2 pangasius catfish. Its been about a week since I bought the catfish and they keep lying down on the bottom of the tank not moving for several minutes. I have never seen this behavior before. Could you please tell me how to deal with this. I also was wondering if it was all right for me to get new fish. Could you suggest some and the quantity.

Hey Mandeep.

Pangasius catfish can grow to over four feet in length, so i would recommend rehoming them both.  also they should be kept in groups of 5 or more as they are schooling, so this why they are shy.  But for their happiness consider and 150  gallon tank.

As with other tankmates, a pair of gouramis would do nice or two pairs.  Try some corydoras. These are schooling fish and go in groups of five or more.  You could also try cherry barbs. These look amazing in large groups, but a group of 6 would be fine to start.

Remember not to overstock and frequent water changes are crucial.

Good luck and hope all this helps.        Jack