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is my betta full of eggs

23 14:01:57

hi I'm amber and i was just wondering how to get my beta fish full of eggs she seems happy she if always swimming male and her a flat tank to tank he keep flaring out the one part (sorry i don't know what that is called )and he keep showing her is tail. her food i regularly  give her and him she don't like so I'm trying blood worms and brine shrimp she get all excited when she eats it . she is a red colored fish and i cant see if she has eggs or not and i really want fishes :) please help me get eggs,

Hey Amber

She may be too young or the male be pestering her too much.

I keep my bettas all seperated and only put them together for and hour or two a week when i want to breed them.

Keep feeding her the variety of foods your feeding her. And keep doing regular water changes.

Good luck!    Jack