Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Clown Knifefish

Clown Knifefish

23 15:06:56


I have a 55 gallon tank that has been setup for almost 2 years now. I currently keep 1 green severum, 2 tinfoil barbs and 1 Striped River catfish. All of which I have raised from little babies. I love Clown knifefish and there is a beautiful little 4-5 inch albino clown at a reasonable price and I could hardly resist it. I decided to do more research including asking for your always great advice!
So my question is...
Would a Clown knife be suitable for my aquarium? Would he grow too large? I feel unsure about really adding him since I heard them growing to 30 inches or more! My severum is about 6 inches now and my Tinfoil barbs are about 7-8 inches and my catfish is about 6 inches. If this is simply a bad idea please tell me.
How often would I have the clean the aquarium? Would I have to upgrade my filtration (right now a REGENT powerfilter and airstone)

Thank you so much for all your great advice and help! Your the best!


Hi Susie;

Thanks for our support! I just really enjoy helping people with their fish.

Clown knife fish would get pretty big for a 55. You are wise to have waited. The have been known to reach 36 inches in aquariums. Yikes!

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Chris Robbins

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