Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > odd neon tetra

odd neon tetra

23 15:11:41

I have a 4 inch X 5 inch tank- with 2 neon tetras and 1 snail. The snail has been living in the tank for 3 years and these tetras I have had  about 1-2months. One tetra has recently been acting strange. It frequently swimming sideways or unside down. It eats upside down. It will lay motionless on the top for 1-2 hours and then swim regular for a hour or two- then go back to swimming upside down. I thought it was getting ready to die but it has been doing this for at least 1 week now.  The other tetra behaves normally.  Any suggestion on what could be my fishes problem?  Or is it just a tricky fish?
Thanks Ellen

hello Ellen! yes some fiash have a tendensy to to that and trick people? i have had one fish that had had that same behaviour  and i was worried about it. all i did was leave it for a while and it was okay after a few weeks...sometimes when you buy fish it will come with a swimming disease that dose not appear for a while. (it is a disease that can be common. some times their swim blatter brakes and they cant swimm properly!....that all i can suggust...theres nothing i  or you can really do but wait and see what happens? if i saw the fish i might have a better idea.

  i hope that helps? if you have any more questions please please ask..thank you bubi now
