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Oxygen pump for tank

23 14:59:47

Followup To
Question -
Do I need to have an oxygen pump in my aquarium that, as of the moment contains 1 african frog but will soon have a guppy or two? Yes it has a filter and the tank is 5 gallons.
Answer -
Hi Amanda;

How big is your aquarium?
Does it have a filter at all?

Your question subject says "Spot on Fish". Am I missing something?

Chris Robbins

Hi Amanda;

The filter should provide enough oxygen for a guppy or two. If it circulates the water and you see the surface of the water moving, that's all that's needed.

Keep in mind that guppies have live babies about once every 6 to 8 weeks, so if you have a female the tank will quickly become overcrowded with babies. The parents and the frog will enjoy eating many of the babies too. You might consider just two male guppies. Or instead of livebearers, get egglayers like 2 danios or 2 'white clouds'.

Below is a link to a page with danios, click on each picture to see the individual profiles;

Here is one about white clouds;

If the tank has been set up with the frog in it for less than a couple of months, it could still be in the break-in period. Below are some links to information about that as well as info on population and maintenance;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins