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spring water?

23 14:38:08

Hi I was wondering if I can use spring water without chemicals to house my betta in.Plus I was wondering how to choose a healthy betta,how to transfer into his new tank,ow to transfer him home and what stores sell the healtheist bettas.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

Hello Hannah,
Bettas are to be only kept in freshwater, meaning no saltwater and no springwater. A healthy betta swims around a lot, flares at other bettas, and dances for the females. A sick betta doesnt move much, lays on its side, and shows any other obvious signs of illness. Transfer a betta into his new home with a fish net, make sure the water temp. in his new home is similar to that of his old home. All petstores have sick and healthy bettas. Hope This Helps and Happy Fish Keeping.