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damsels and green terrors

23 14:45:26

My dad has a 75 gallon tank and wants to put different types of damsels in this tank(saltwater).My question is my male green terror has been beating up my female what should i do right now he is in an net separate from her

Hi T.,
 I assume we are talking about two very different tanks, i.e., your dad has the damsel tank and you have the green terror tank.

 Personally, I wouldn't mix species of damsels.

 As far as the green terrors, if you want to keep the two of them in the same tank, then you need to have a lot of structure in the tank (wood, rock, plants) to break up the space and to create lots of hiding places for the female, should she need a place to take a rest.  Basically, my rule of thumb is that if you can see the back of the tank, then you don't have enough structure in there.

-- Ron
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