Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > female red jewel has a large round abscess on tail

female red jewel has a large round abscess on tail

23 11:25:23

My water conditions are all good,this is a 20 gallon tank, I removed the male...they are a breeding pair.I have been treating the tank with melafix but has not helped her much, also did a treatment of penicillin,she eats good,swims around ok, nut has difficulty coming up for food because the growth is so big.Have been doing water changes after the treatment cycyles.Still no change.please help! she a beauty and I dont know what else to do.

Hi Rhonda,
A growth is very difficult to diagnose.  It may be a tumor, or a boil, much like we have.  If it is a boil, it will come to a head on it's own.  Never try to squeeze a growth, and this would be extremely painful, and would cause death.  Since you have treated her with penicillin, there is nothing more you can do, but keep the water free of ammonia, and nitrites.  The only other solution would be to see a vet.  I'm sorry, but cannot help you more.  Fish may live a long time with a tumor, or growth.  I hope it will eventually disappear.  Since she eats well, this is a good sign.
I would also like to mention because I am not sure if you know this, you should always keep the male with the female once they have spawned.  They are excellent parents, and care for their young.  They may stay with their young up to two months, until they are ready to put on the market.
I hope her condition will improve.