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Growth of my Betta?

23 14:46:41

I just bought a male betta and I was wondering if there was any way he could possibly grow any more than he has currently grown? He has almost reached 3 inches in length but I understand that most mammals grow with their environment. So what I am asking is if I changed the size of his aquarium will he grow to be any larger and could I possibly find a female to breed him with somewhere also cause I would like to have more betta fish sometime in the near future. Thank you for you time, sincerely JNW

Hi Nic,
 Fish unlike mammals continue to grow their whole life, though the amount that they grow slows down a lot as they get older and larger.  My guess is that he won't get much larger.  

 If you keep a fish in a very small container it tends to stunt their growth by slowing them down.  

 Many fish stores sell female bettas so you should be able to find him a mate.  

-- Ron
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