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JD with African cichlids?

23 11:51:34

Hey Ron,

Thank you very much for answering my previous question about fasting.  I have about 10 assorted African cichlids (the ones Petco and Wal Mart have) and 2 Jack Dempseys in a 120 gallon.  They are all about 2 inches apiece.  My question is-do you think I'll have problems down the road with the Jack Dempseys and the African cichlids?  They get along great now.  I know you're not supposed to mix the South American Jack Dempseys with the Afircan cichlids, I just always wanted Jack Dempseys (why I bought the bigger tank) and hoped if they grew up together then down the road they will get along great.  Is there food that I shouldn't feed the Jack Dempseys or the Africans?  I feed them a great variety of food, the high protein African cichlid pellets, high protein flakes, frozen blood worms, and frozen brine shrimp.  Is there anything I should change with this diet?  Thanks Ron for your help, take care, Mike

Hi Mike,
  Unfortunately I think you will eventually have problems.  An adult male Jack Dempsey is over the 9inch mark and will likely "disappear" the African cichlids at some point.  

  The diet sounds great for the Jack Dempseys.  Some people say that various East African cichlids cannot handle a lot of animal protein -- they get "bloat" -- but I hear very mixed things about that.   

-- Ron
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