Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > why is my beta`s eyes popping out?

why is my beta`s eyes popping out?

23 12:02:07

what is happening to my beta it isnt eating, but if it does, it just coughs it back up! Also his eyes are popping out there white and blistery , with some red blood in the middle im really concerned we got betafix and it does not seem to be helping . First one eye was like that then i woke up the today and there was another big blistery eye! Please help me, thank you , Kelsey

Hi Kelsey,
  Have you been doing regular partial water changes on his tank?  If not, you need to.  Bad water can cause the symptoms you describe.  What kind of tank is he in and how often do you change some of the water?

 I assume that there are no other fish in the tank with the betta?

-- Ron
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