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blood red gourami

23 14:48:54

I just bought my gourami Friday along with 4 other fish.As soon as I brought him home I noticed he was not very active.With in an hour he was just laying on the bottom. This is Sunday and he is still alive but seems to be struggling to hold on. :( He also seems to become a bit more active when it is feeding time and was still eating this morning but not it is midnight and he looks bad. Any ideas what he has. He also seemed tohave a bent angle to his body.
Pet store will be opened tommorow so he is going back should I buy another one or hold off fro a while. He is a beautiful fish. All the other fish in my tank are doing just fine.

Hello Roberta-

Unfortunately, this unknown disease is a common killer of gouramis. I've experienced it before (crooked spine, loss of color, wide eyes, rapid breathing) and have no idea what causes it, other than possibly some type of poisoning. But since your other fish are fine, that rules out poisoning in this case. I wish I could offer more, but I have had no luck treating this quick killer, as I do not know what causes it.

I would wait a few days if I were you to see if the tank settles in before getting a second gourami.

I hope I have offered something, if not consolation. I'm sorry for your loss. :(

-Amber Worman