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sick catfish, angel fish are fine

23 11:25:23

Hi. I have just transferred my 3 angelfish, and my three catfish into a larger tank. (1 week ago). The tank was fully cycled with bacteria (Stress zyme), and heated to correct temp. I also used stress-coat, as a precaution to put a synthetic slimy coating on to the fish to help with the stress involved in the transfer. Now I have 1 dead catfish,1 that is not dead but close to it (this one appears to have a red patch on his side, it almost looks like he is bleeding under the skin, and the other very tiny one is not swimming much either. All my angel fish are happily swimming around, with no signs of illness. Please help. Many thanks, Karyn

Hi Karyn,
 That is hard to say but my first guess would be to suggest that maybe the angelfish attacked the catfish.  Is that a possibility?  Are there lots of hiding places for the catfish?

-- Ron C.
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