Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > tiny cottony fuzz on bettas fin

tiny cottony fuzz on bettas fin

23 14:27:01

Well, first off here is my question--is the tiny bit of white fuzz on my bettas lower front fin fungus, or maybe something else?? I guess now here's his info... I have had my male deltatail betta for about a month and a half now. He is by himself in an unfiltered 3.5 gal bowl, with a temp of about 73-76, never changing more than a degree or two in a day. I change 1/3 of the water every third day, and full change every two weeks. He has a couple of betta safe toys/ plants. Since I brought him home his fins have grown A LOT; he eats, swims, flares and makes bubblenests. I clean all of his waste with a baster, and remove excess food instantly. In the last few days, (before and after his 100% water change) i noticed at first a slightly stringy, and now fuzzy, bit of substance on the very tip of his lower-right frontal fin. It is only on this one fin and fairly minute. I did notice small amounts of a similar substance in/ on the surface of his water.  Prior to, this fin had not grown as rapidly as the others, but was growing and healthy nonetheless. JUST wondering if I should worry and or medicate. If so, what to do/ use??? THANK YOU so much, and I look forward to your answer!!


Sounds like a minor case of fungus. Not to worry, most pet stores carry medication or treatment to kill such fungus off. The pet store expert can help you pick the best one to use in this case (I'm not as experienced with it).

^.^ He'll be better soon!


PS - congrats on making your Betta feel comfortable and safe enough to have bubble nests! (and for taking such good care of the water quality!)