Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > DROPSY


23 11:44:45

Hi Lynda:
I have written to you before about DROPSY.
I put my fish,FANNIE,on Tetracycline as you suggested.
She has been on the treatment for just under a week.
She appears to be getting better(her blown-up girth is
getting smaller,or so it appears). Thank You!
(There have been water changes in-between treatments.)
Q:How long do you think I should continue this treatment?
Thanks Again for all your help.

Hi Jim,
I'm so happy to hear that she is getting better.  It is so difficult to cure dropsy, sometimes impossible.
Keep her on Tetracycline for another 4 days.  Feed her small amounts of food, 2 flakes or two pellets a day.  If you can find daphnia, this would also help her, as it is easier to digest.  Don't forget to feed her the pea if she is eating, so that she will clean out her system.  Once she is better you could feed her small amounts twice a day.
Keep her water very clean.  You are doing a good job!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping she will pull through.
Keep me posted please.