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disease or end of life?

23 15:07:01

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Question -
I have a 5 gallon tank. I used to have 3 fan-tailed goldfish for about 2 years, but 2 of them died just recently. 2 nights ago I got 2 more fan-tailed goldfish and one is twice the size of the other. The goldfish that I have had for 2 years is swimming on its side and floats to the surface, but swims back down. She has been hiding under a decoration in the tank, which kind of has a slanted roof. She lays there for 20 minutes to a half hour and comes out to swim for a minute then goes back under. I also noticed the new goldfish, a big guy, was nipping at her and is now missing a few scales. I feed them 2 times a day, I clean the tank normally, and the pH is 7.5. What do I do?
Answer -
Hi Lindsey;

You will have to separate them. Some are just bullies or it may be a male going after a female. He could kill her if he keeps it up.

You really need to get a bigger tank. Goldfish need 10 gallons each to grow and thrive. They get 6 to 8 inches long (not counting tails) and have a lifespan of 10 years or more. As you now know, they can't live a full life in such a little tank. They get sick easily and/or die of old age before they actually get old.

Hope your older one feels better soon. Maybe you could use that smaller tank just for that one until it feels better and get a new tank for the new ones?

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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Hi. I put the bully in a plastic containor and switch him to the other like you said and I'm going to get a 10 gallon tank for the others. I appreciate your help, but when the fish came out from hiding later to eat, she started turning over on her back. What do I do?

Hi Lindsey;

She has gas in her belly. Feed her little pieces of cooked and cooled green peas. This will help expel the gas and any constipation she may have that caused it. Feed only the peas and no other foods for 3 days. It is good for goldfish to have peas, chopped spinach and romaine lettuce a couple of times a week or more, so give peas and other greens to the other fish too. They will love you for it!

Followups Welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins