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curious behavior

23 14:37:34

My daughter has two goldfish given to her from a friend. I noticed yesterday that even when they are not eating they constantly look as if they are feeding at the top of the water.It's just a small fish bowl and they are small themselves, we change their water every other day. Is this normal for them to do this, or should I ignore my gut feeling that they are needing something? Thank you for your time.

Good morning Kacee, thank you for your question.

You are right to trust your instincts. The main problem with a goldfish bowl setup is that it isn't suitable even to house juvenile goldfish, since the surface area is limited and usually no other means of aeration is provided. There is no room for practical filtration, and 100% change-outs forestall the establishment of cycling. Cycling, i.e. the cultivation of beneficial bacteria for breakdown of organic waste, does happen to a limited extent in a goldfish bowl, but each time you rinse the bowl's surfaces in tap water or change the water out entirely, this process gets undone.

I know your goldfish were a gift, but do keep in mind that these little creatures will grow to be larger than your hand relatively soon, and have a lifespan of 1-2 decades given the right care! If you are not ready to buy a 10 gallon starter kit, consider trading in your two goldfish for a betta, which can be kept in a bowl. Of course a small tank of about 3 gallons (or more) is preferable. Even bettas kept in bowls need heaters, or to be kept in a room consistently in the high 70s range. Perhaps some live plants for nutrient absorption - bog plants, or a clump of hornwort would be ideal. Here's an example of a naturally filtered betta bowl:

Check out this link for more on goldfish care:

I recommend a site such as or for more information on goldfish keeping. For more details on aquarium startup, look here specifically, and then peruse the main site:

To temporarily alleviate the gasping or yawning while you ponder what to do next, you can add an airstone and an air pump fitted with airline tubing (Elite, a brand available at Petsmart, has a small pump for about less than $10, but the Whisper pumps are the quietest, IMO) and change 50% of the water daily. Do keep in mind it is but a temporary measure.

Thank you very much for writing in! Have a nice weekend and feel free to write back anytime.