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sick shubunkins

23 11:14:35

Hi Jaymie, I would really appreciate your advice regarding my 2 sick shubunkin fish. I have had them for about 2 years and never had any problem, but in the past 2 weeks they have both had some really worrying symptoms.

Firstly, they started floating vertically (head up) for long periods. I looked on the internet and thought it might be swim bladder problems, so I added some Interpret Gold Disease Safe and didnt feed them for 2 days, and then gave them a couple of peas a day, for about 2 days (all following advice from my local petshop). That was last week, and it seemed to help stop the vertical floating...

But then, this week I noticed both fish were starting to sit on the bottom of the tank for most of the day, apart from occasional spurts of energy when they would both swim frantically about for a few seconds, and then drop to the bottom again. For the first time I noticed that their tail fins were starting to get red veiny streaks all over, and fray at the ends. They also had some white bobbly spots on, which also were spreading a little bit onto the body scales. I also observed their top fins were drooped over.

Unfortunately, this time the internet has not helped - I'm now confused with info overload as to whether it might be finrot, or ich, or ammonia poisoning, or septicemia...!!! I haven't checked the water PH as I don't have any kit for that, but I did immediately (ie. 3 days ago) add a teaspoon of salt, and a pinch of garlic powder with their food (?!) following advice from my local petshop. And I changed about 40% of the water yesterday, to see if that helped. So far though, nothing seems to have changed - they just sit there with raggedy tails looking miserable, and occasionally freaking out.

If you can help at all I would be immensely grateful - I feel so sorry for the poor things :(

Other info which might be relevant: they still seem to be hungry (I feed twice a day, just about 5 pellets per fish, pre-soaked in water, and they wolf it down before sinking to the bottom again). The fish are both about 2 inches long, and the tank is a 30 litre bi-orb.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer...

 SOunds like you have a very bad thing going on. I believe they have septicemia. I am hoping that we can get them what they need in time. The first thing you need to do is check the water perimeters. A test kit is essential when we have fish. We are passed ammonia poisoning. Meaning yes they have it but a new disease has come in. The pH should be 6.5 - 7.2 and ammonia should be 0. Then you need to get an antibiotic. Any one will do. You can even try getting them some medicated food. Unfortunately, I am not sure this has been caught in time and you might lose your fish. Not sure about the garlic powder, but i have heard people put it in the fish food. I cannot stress enough how important it is to test your water weekly. Things can go good to bad very quickly and if you test, you often get a heads up. The salt is a good additive. I give my fish, when ill, a salt dip. You can add no more than 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water, so I would add a bit more. I hope this helps.