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tank mates for male betta

23 14:46:39

I currently have a male Beta in a 1 gallon tank and am getting ready to move up to a 10 gallon tank and would like to get some more fish. Can you recommend some clean fish that would go well with "Lightening the fishy" (my 3 year old named him after the Disney movie, LOL) and also the number of fish total the tank can handle?


Hi Michelle;

LOL! Many a fish has been named by little kids from Disney movies. Once you get the betta in the new 10 gallon, leave him all alone for about 6 weeks. The tank needs to break-in before you add any friends for him. Here is an article about the break-in;

Once that is all done, try one or two new fish each week until the tank is at it's safe capacity. The beneficial bacteria that will handle wastes need to compensate and balance again after the new additions. Tanks with small community fish can have roughly one inch of fish per gallon of water. You have to calculate based on the fishes' adult size though. They will all grow and you could easily be over the safe capacity once they do.  

Here are some suggestions for betta tank mates;

Cory cats, zebra danios, platies, cherry barbs, neon tetras, ghost shrimp, otocinclus cats.

Keep in mind that all of these are schooling fish. Choose a couple of different kinds and get 3 of each. They all stay small and aren't messy like goldfish or other big fish are. (There really isn't any fish that is "clean", but some are messier than others.) Put lots of live plants to help the fish find hiding places if needed. The live plants also help with the break-in period too.

Remember to make a 25% water change every week in your tank for optimum health and best chance of avoiding disease. You may need to do them twice a week at first until it breaks in but with just Mr. Lightning in there it will probably be fine to do them once a week. Weekly changes are something you should do for as long as you have your tank.

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins