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fantail tail problem

23 14:46:38

i have a very large white fantail for about 2 years, her tail if very long and flowing but has always had blood streaks through the tail. i have recently moved her and her 3 fantail companions to a bigger tank and added 2 black moors and 1 shubankun and thats all as i don't want to over crowd the tank. i moved the same filter, substrate and bubble bar and used half the old tank water and topped up the new tank with fresh chlorinated water, they have all been getting on fine for the past 2 weeks but i have noticed in the last couple of days that her tail is suddenly has a lot more blood streaks and now the fish are nibbling her tail because its bleeding slightly, she is still eating and swimming but has to watch out for the other fish.theres no fungus or stress but i want to stop this before her tail is completely gone, i could move her to a hospital tank but this is really small and i don't want to stress her out to much. please help

Hi Denise;

She really needs to be isolated. I think the stress of being attacked and nibbled on by the other fish is just as bad or worse than moving her to a hospital tank. Make a 25% to 50% water change every day in the hospital tank and treat with salt and Melafix. Remember to add back salt for the water replaced from the daily water changes. Don't salt the whole tank again, just the new water. Use water conditioner every time too.

Watch and see how the sick fish does. Hopefully just the continual fresh water, the salt and melafix to help heal the damaged areas and ward off infection will help her get better. Being away from the stress of harrassment will certainly help too. If she does not improve soon she may need regular medication such as an antibiotic or antifungal.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins