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Water Chemistry

23 11:32:41

What are the techniques of checking Water Chemistry? Please guide.

You will find test kits at your Pet store for a small sum.  You should have an ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kit.  You should also have a PH test kit.  They are easy to use, and they should be number one in your fish cabinet.  These kits are important as we should check our water often to make sure it is right.  Ammonia, and Nitrites in the water will kill fish.  The PH should be according to the fish you have in your tank.  Not all fish need the same PH, so this must also be checked.  Nitrates also must be checked, so it is a good idea to buy these kits.  Knowing your water chemistry, can sometimes go a long way into curing fish, or prevent fish from getting sick.