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swim bladder oscar

23 14:44:05

thank you so very much for your answer. i thought you forgot about me.ron, what if i held him and used a seryinge to draw out the fluid? his eyes are normal. he just flaots. his tummy is swollen on one side. he is about 7 or 8 inches long and has the will to live. this has been going on for weeks. i force fed him 3 frozen peas this morning. his tank is clean. should i start over with antibiotics? please help me?

Hi Kelly,
 Sorry for the delay ... I am actually in the middle of the rainforest in Costa Rica right now so email isn't always easy.

 You can try drawing out the fluid, but I have heard of others trying this and what usually happens is that the fluid reappears in a few days/weeks.  It is worth trying
if you are willing to do it.  Please let me know what happens.

-- Ron
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