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blood parrots fighting

23 14:44:05

Hi Ron
I have 3 beautiful blood parrots in a 55 gal tank.  I purchased the first 5 weeks ago with two jeweled cichlids.  The cichlids got a bachterial infection and were moved to a hospital tank, leaving the 2 1/2 inch blood parrot alone in the tank.  Two weeks ago I purchased two more blood parrots: a 2 1/4 inch and 2 inch, which had bonded at the pet store. I moved all of the tank decorations around and added new ones. My original parrot was a bully at first but everyone has settled in nicely except that the two larger ones have begun going head to head in a fierce liplock that can go on for hours. Feeding may stop them briefly, but then they're back at it. Most days they take turns being the boss but the liplock worries me, this is the second time this week they've done this.  Can they wear themselves out and become diseased or die by fighting for long periods? I have a tank divider that I can use but I'd rather they come to an agreement on their own, as long as it won't harm them.
Also, my 1 1/2 inch jeweled cichlid is chewing the smaller 1 inch cichlid's tail in the 10 gal hospital tank and I'm worried that when I move them back to the 55 gal they may also bite the parrots.  Any advise on this? They got along well with the parrot when they were together three weeks ago.

Hi Darla,
 The intriguing thing about cichlids is that fighting and courting look pretty much the same.  It is possible that your two fish are fighting, but it is also possible that they are courting.  The key is how it ends.  If it is courting, they will mate and lay eggs.  If it is fighting, one will eventually overpower the other and will start chasing it all over the tank.  If that happens, you need to act quickly because the "winner" will be relentless in pursuing the "loser" and could easily kill it.  You would need to separate them at that point.

-- Ron
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