Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Damaged petoral fin

Damaged petoral fin

23 11:09:56

I had a slight accident this morning while carrying out a water change resulting in my black moor being damaged.   One of his petoral fins is not moving.   He is hoovering around the top of the tank and seems to be struggling to stay afloat.   Will the fin heal itself!!    Is there anything I can do to speed up recovery as I don,t want him to be suffering any.   You help would be appreciated.   Regards Linda

Hi Linda,

I found this in the question pool today.  I just recieved it, so please don't hold a negative rating on me for timing. :)

The fin could heal itself.  The fish may make it, and he may not.

I recommend making filter unit changes today and cleaning the filter media, in fact, change it completely for good, clean media to filter the water.

Do a 25% water change to increase the quality and oxygenation to help him.

He may make it, indeed.  I had a fish who was so badly burned by a heater that you could see his organs.  He made it.  It took a month to heal closed, however.  It was terrifying to see him swimming...I thought it would all fall out, but he made it.

Had him six years.

You can add a teaspoon of marine salt per gallon to the water while he's recouperating (I recommend this) to prevent fungal infection, bacteria and parasites from invading his fin.

I hope this helps you out and good luck with the poor little guy!

Happy fish-keeping.
