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help me!

23 14:44:58

A while ago I asked you a question about my Beta fish and if he had clamped fin, and it turns out that he does.  So... How can I fix that problem?  Also, when we got our beta, his whole entire body was only teel and blue.  Now suddenly his bottom fin is beat red!  Is this a bad thing? If so, what can I do to prevent it and how was it caused?  Hopefully you can help!  Thanks

Hi Karlee,
 "Clamped fin" is not a disease, it is a symptom.  When a fish has a clamped fin it indicates that they are not perfectly happy but it does not say exactly what is wrong.  It would be the equivalent of a person frowning.  You can see that they are unhappy but you don't know why.   

 Bettas often change color as they mature.  Having bright red fins is not a problem at all, in fact, that would generally be a good sign.  

 Have you been doing regular weekly water changes of his water?  Also be sure the temperature is up near 80oF.  At this time of year, many bettas get much less active because people don't heat their water.  

-- Ron
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