Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Can I add cories with my Betta?

Can I add cories with my Betta?

23 11:13:19

Hi Jaymie, you've helped me before but I forgot what you had said about other fish with Bettas.

I have 2 males each in their own 10 gallon tank.  I am also setting up a 29 gallon tank which is currently going through a fishless cycle.

My question is I am going to add 6 cories to the 29 gallon when it's done cycling but first wondered if I could put 3 cories each in the 2 Betta tanks.  Hopefully they will work out permanently, but if not will transfer the cories  to the 29 gallon.

Will 3 cories stress out my male Bettas or vice versa?

Thank you


Betta's are solitary fish and prefer to be in a tank by themselves. In some tanks all the fish get along, in others they do not. It is unfortunately a try as you go type of thing. All my Betta's are in their own tanks and they do not share with any other type of fish. All I can say is you can give it a try but don't be surprised if they have to be removed. You will have to watch the Betta's since they are fin nippers and like to bully other fish.