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disease Ick

23 14:37:19

I have only a 10 gall tank and 2 gold fish (not fancy)ones. I have an ick problem. after treatment is finished should I clean the tank or do a 20% water change?
                              thank you

Good afternoon Julie, thank you for your question.

You should vacuum the gravel all the way to the bottom. The act of gravel vacuuming should remove about 50% of the water in one sitting, add new tap water treated with dechlorinator to replace whatever is lost. Take apart the filter, clean it under running cool water, add fresh carbon (a new cartridge or a cup of carbon in a mesh bag) to remove any residual medication. Watch closely for ammonia spikes as the medication probably interrupted or undid the cycling.

A bacterial starter such as Stability (Seachem) will help bring things back to normal gradually, but only Bio-Spira by Marineland will instantly re-cycle your tank.

I hope that helps, keep these sites in mind for reference:

Thanks for writing, take care!