Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my male blue betta

my male blue betta

23 12:02:14


betta fish
hello Jack,
i have a Betta fighting fish, i bought from a pet store, the poor thing he was kept in a small cup starving... but now he is healthy and happy ^_^
Any way i want you to tell me what kind if Betta is he if you can because i had others with me before but they were a different kind than him..
by the way his name is Blueray^^

Hey :)

I hate the way pet stores keep them in small cups, its disgusting

I am glad he is with you :)

Nice name he looks lovely.

To answer your question, he is a crowntail betta.

I think they look much nicer because of their fins look like they are shredded and it gives them a bigger look :P

Good Luck with your Betta    Jack =]