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Bigger fish fish are attacking the smaller ones

23 12:02:08


I had 1 black moore, and 4 goldfish. They were living peacefully, and never fought. Until one of my goldfish died, just recently. Yesterday, I bought two small fantails, ever since the fish were acting weirdly. Once one of them headbutted the filter. I also saw them 'kissing' the small fish. Are they tasting them.Or are they greeting them? Can you help me?

Hi Jonathan,
Goldfish are not my expertise, but I will try to help you.  Have you checked your PH?  It should be 7.5 as goldfish live in alkaline waters.  If your PH is low, it could affect them. If this is the cause, buy seashells or a little bag of coral.  Add a little at a time to bring your PH up.  Do this very slowly...never bounce them up too fast as it could kill your fish.  Sometimes Goldfish don't accept others, don't ask me why, I have seen it happen!  Watch them carefully, and if you see that they are picking on one, remove it.  When fish hassle another fish, the fish get stressed, and sick.
Also check your water for nitrates, and ammonia.  If you have a high level of nitrates, or ammonia, this could be the cause.  Make water changes until you get them down to safe. Always use a good conditioner.  You didn't mention the size of your tank which could be a factor if your nitrates are high.
Do the water changes, and add a fizz ball for more oxygen once you get the nitrates or ammonia down to safe.  Do your water changes every week.  This is very important.
Hope this helps