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Goldfish head down

23 14:59:22

Hi there, my lionhead goldfish has been swimming upside down for months now. She is still eating properly but i feel sad seeing her always that way. My local fish pet shop suggested that she may be having digestion problem. I tried feeding her with peas for 2 months, but it seems no improvement. Tried medication, also no help. She is also rather weak it seems, whenever i tried to give her a return to the main tank, she will let the current from the pump blow her away and she will be floating away for a minutes before recovering to head down position. I've transfered her into a small tank since then. Hope you can provide some help to save her from being so depressed. Thanks.

Hi Mr. Fishy 2;

If peas and medication didn't help, there may not be much else you can do. It's known as flipover disease or swim bladder trouble and it is a common ailment of fancy goldies like lionheads, orandas, moors, etc. Water quality can be a major cause as well as overfeeding. Keep the tank very clean and don't feed at all for 3 days. Then feed only the peas.

Here are a few links to look at for more info;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins