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dying angel fish eggs

23 13:58:22

QUESTION: I have moved angle fish eggs to a separate tank.  I was trying to hatch them but they have turned white within the first 48 hours.  My temperature in the 15 gal. tank is 82.  I have two air stones going and I have put Primafix in the tank to help with fungus.  When I moved the eggs they looked tan.  The parents eat the eggs quickly after depositing them.  They are in a tank with other fish that is why I moved the eggs to the smaller tank.  They seem to be healthy eggs but quickly die.  I think it would be cool to raise some babies but can't seem too.  I would appreciate your help.  Thank you, Tori

ANSWER: Hi Tori,
 It is very possible that they are not being fertilized correctly -- that is why they turn white and die.  Fungus does not generally kill healthy eggs initially.  It attacks dead eggs then spreads to live eggs.

Are you sure that you have a male and a female?  With angelfish, it is very common for two females to attempt to spawn together.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response.  It looks like I have a male.  I have never seen the tube that come out before the female lays eggs in the other angle.  It also goes behind the female when the eggs are laid.  Is there an easy way to tell if it is a male?

Hi Tori,
 In angelfish, the angle which the fin on the bottom (the anal fin) makes with the body is a pretty good diagnostic character of sex. In the female, the front edge of the fin makes  a rather distinctive 90o angle with the body whereas in the male, the fin sweeps back at a greater angle than 90o.

-- Ron
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