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Vacation and Spots

23 15:11:14

We recently got a goldfish for my son (2 gallon tank with airstone) and a betta for my daughter (same size but different tank)  If we go out of town from Saturday morning to Sunday evening will they be OK without food?  Suggestions?
Also the goldfish had some spots when we got him but now he has black patches.  He seems perfectly happy.  Spots OK?  Thanks

Hi Debbie;

Healthy fish are just fine for even up to a week without food. No worries.

The black is from exposure to toxins such as ammonia and/or nitrite. They are burns really. They are caused by fish waste. Clean the tank at least once a week. Without a filter in there it will get pretty dirty for him. It would be a good idea to get a filter for the goldfish, and perhaps even a larger tank. Goldfish, unlike bettas, are pretty messy fish and get up to 8 inches long. I try not to keep them in anything smaller than 10 gallons for that reason. They just do much better.

Bettas are fully equipped to live in tanks or bowls with no filter or air stone. They have an organ called a "labyrinth" that they store air in. They go to the top and gulp a breath or two when their stored air gets used up. They can tolerate some pretty dirty and nasty water, even though it isn't good for them. Goldfish just aren't as resilient, even though people have been keeping them in small bowls for years. Lots of goldfish die too. Many people consider them disposable. (I know you don't) How sad for a fish that can live to be 10 or more years old!

Take care and happy fish-keeping!

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins