Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > beta has growth

beta has growth

23 15:08:10

 I've had my beta "Slimy" for about 4 months. Shortly after I got him he suffered from a case of white cotton like fungal growth but after treatment he hasn't had any other problems and seemed quite happy in his ~ 2/3 gallon tank. Two days ago I noticed that he had some sort of white, bubble/swelling like growth at the base of his right fin (behind his gills). I cleaned his tank and called a local pet store and they suggested that I treat Slimy w/ antibiotics. This was the first day I have given him "betamax" antibiotics but I can't tell if it's helping or not. Slimy is still eating and seems to be as active as he ever was. If you can offer me any advice as to what might be wrong with Slimy (if I'm taking the correct steps towards making him better) and how I could prevent this from happening again, I would be most thankful. I really like the little guy and I would be heart broken to loose him. thanks,

Hi Brenna;

Keep trying with the BettaMax. It takes a few days to work.

The two main things that will help in healing him is keeping the water clean and raising the temperature. Make sure his water is at least 78 degrees. Up to 85 is even better so his metabolism can improve and let his body heal itself.

Hope he feels better soon.....

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