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Overfeeding accident

23 14:57:30

      I've accidentally overfed my fish. I was trying to get a perfect ammount of food in the tank, and ended up putting in around 5x of what he normally eats, twice a day. He's acting wierd, swimming somewhat lopsided at times, and his stomach seems to have grown just in that one feeding. Should I do something for him or let nature take its course and wait for him to empty his bowels, if you know what I mean?

Hi Shawn;

Just let him digest and don't feed him again until his belly is smaller and you can see that he has had bowel movements. If he doesn't "go" after a day or two you may have to try giving him tiny bits of green peas. Feed no other foods until he is doing better. It also helps to keep his water as warm as possible. His metabolism will work more efficiently at about 80f.

I hope things get "moving along" for him soon..... ;-)

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins