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Oscar Wont Eat

23 14:26:58

  I just bought an Oscar, (about 2 days ago), and I am very worried because all he does is sit in the back of my tank and hide behind a plant. He does not eat very well i put minnows in the tank and he would just sit there, i also bought cichild pellets and he took one chewed it up and spit it back out. He is currently with 6 channel catfish. I would very much appreciate a response with a solution please.

Hi Timothy,
 First, never feed your oscar with live feeder fish. Feeder fish carry all sorts of parasites and sooner or later your oscar will catch something and die. I get emails every week detailing exactly that.

 Second, it is very normal for an oscar to "sulk" for quite a while after they have been moved. This might last a couple of days or it might last two or three weeks or longer. They are very sensitive to their surroundings.  They get very used to being in a particular environment and change disturbs them.  On the plus side, it is this high ability to perceive their environment (including their people) that make them such interesting animals.  For example, an oscar can easily tell one person from another.

-- Ron
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