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Black spots?

23 15:00:06

Thank you very much for your time chris. I would have never thought that these spots would go away. Excellent news!!-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
I have a 46gal tank that has been set up for about 7 weeks. I have 1 parrot fish, 1 gurami, 1 albino barb, and 2 danios. The tank is now begining to come out of the "Break-in period" The Amonia levels have just dropped back down to 0 this week. The nitrite levels are still high, but seem to be dropping, and the PH levels are are at around 7. During the break in period I have been performing reagular water changes every 3 days of about 15 to 25%. Now the question... I read one of your responces to a question about black spots on a fish during the break-in period. You had said that they were amonia and nitrite burns. In my tank the Parrot fish is the only one that seems to have these marks. My question to you is... will these go away with time? I am guessing they will not but, I still would like to know for sure. Thank you in advance.
Answer -
Hi Billy;

The black spots do heal over time. They are basically just "scabs" from the burns. You are doing a great job getting them through this. Keep up the good work!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Billy;

You are quite welcome! Some parrot cichlids get dark spots kind of like "freckles" as they get older, but if they are more like smudges and came on rather quickly, it's scabs and should heal just fine.

Hope he is back to himself soon.....

Chris Robbins