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Beta Stares

23 15:00:06

So I have a beta that just sits perfectly still in his bowl and stares stright up. All day long he does this occasionally moving when i move the bowl or put some food in. I keep him on my desk in a somewhat lighted dorm-room. Is there something i should be worried about or is this something that he is just going through?

Hi Nick;

If he used to be active and is now lethargic, there is something wrong. Here are a few things to check;

Water temperature - Bettas are tropical and need their water to be 76 to 82 degrees. When too cool they become lethargic and can get sick very easily

Water quality - Bettas need their water changed weekly. If the tank is filtered, change 25% to 50% every week. If the tank is unfiltered, change 100% once or twice a week. Use a good water condtioner and be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. If there is letover food anywhere, remove it right away.

Consider his age - Bettas live about 2 to 3 years. When we buy them they are already close to a year old. Some do live close to 5 years, but it isn't common. If he is getting older he will slow down, but gradually. He also gets sick easier when older too. Keep the temperature up and very clean to help boost his immune system.

Look also at his belly, eyes, skin and fins for anything abnormal. Here are some web pages with examples of sick bettas so you can compare;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins