Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > black moor sick after stuck in filter mate biting him

black moor sick after stuck in filter mate biting him

23 14:47:16

my black moor is really sick. at 6:30am i awoke to find him trapped/stuck to the bottom of filter. when i freed him he had some white spots on him but i thought it was from filter and he swam around ok. when i arrived home at 7pm i noticed his tank mate biting him repeatedly (this has never happened in 6 months of them together)and he was just lethargic and floating around barely swimming. He looks horrible tattered, like his tank mate was biting him all day and he is covered in white stuff in certain areas. The ends of his fins have turned white and he has cloudy eyes, and white stuff on his face. I have put him in a small temporary bowl with water from his tank while i can run out to the store to try to help him. He's barely swmimming just floating on his side and he's not eating. Please tell me what i can do to save him I love this little guy and i'm so worried. thank you


Hope I'm not to late! The situation sounds grim, though. :(

The white stuff is probably columnaris, which you can treat by swabbing the affected areas with a QTip dipped in a medicine called "QuickCure." This is really stressful on the fish, though, and may do your little guy in. :(

Also, you should dose the bowl with a small dose of both aquarium salt and Melafix. Keep the bowl in a dark, quiet area, and don't try to feed him.

Check back in 12 hour intervals...There's not much to do when they start laying on their sides. :(

Hope this is useful, and I hope your guy recovers.
Amber Worman