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Lyretail molly salt lookin stuff

23 14:21:36

I have 2 Lyretail mollies 1 male, 1 Female. 2 Cory's, 1 Albino, and 1 Peppered, and also 1 Clown Loach. The male molly has what looks like big salt specs on the lower part of his tail. I know it could be ick, or maybe fin rot. I have planted eclipse 10 gallon tank. I check the water chemistry regularly and it seems my tank has cycled because Nitrite normally is low to nothing, and Nitrate is minimal. I do water changes probably twice a week and normally the temp sits at 80 degrees. During feeding time the female molly seems to bully the male, and maybe the stress is causing his immune system to weaken. I know I should probably have one more female molly. Any advice would be appreciated.
On another note, I was wondering if the most tiny pinch of salt in the tank would hurt the cory's or the loach? Also the loach seems to get along with the cory's. Should I get another loach anyways so he has a buddy or is it possible for them to befriend the cory's? Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon.

Adam,                                                        No, salt won't hurt anyone in the tank. Get some aquarium salt 1 tblspn per 5 gallons, Get a quick ick cure ... remove your carbon while treating.... yes stress can bring this on.I pair everything up . though I think he is ok with the corys.Your mollies behavior is unusaual . Usually it is the males picking on the females if out numbered. Get another female see what happens.. Good Luck , Tina