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Thermal Shock

23 14:14:05

I was just recently changing my betta fish's water when without me noticing it, the temperature spiked.  Suddenly she went rigid and stopped moving, so I quickly transfered her to a more normal water temperature.  She's now lying at the bottom of the bowl, breathing heavily and sometimes moving a little bit.  Is there anything I can do?  Thanks!!!

Hi Heather,
 How hot did it get?   If it was only a few degrees that isn't the problem.  Did you pour in boiling water or something like that?  

 The best thing is probably to do nothing and just let her recover.  

 By the way, if it is a betta with the typical long fins, it is more than likely a male.  Females have short fins and much less color.  Most of the bettas you see for sale are boys.

-- Ron
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