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Flower Horn and Ram Cichlid

23 14:03:29

I have been raising a Red and White Flower Horn, I bought it when it was only 1.5-2inches and now its almost 3 inches. It is kept in my 3ft almost 40 gallon tank with other African and parrot Cichlids. Now can you please guide me that how can I make its growth faster and make it to adapt attractive colors with humpy head?

My second question is regarding Ram Cichlid or Dwarf Cichlids, Can they only survive in a planted tank? Can't they just live happily in a normal tank with no live plants?

I will be glad to see your immediate response on above queries.


Hi Abbas,
  The flowerhorn is not an African cichlid. It is a manmade variety of a fish from Central America, Cichlasoma trimaculatum.  They get large heads when they mature.  A mature flowerhorn is around 8 inches long or so.
Fish grow faster when you change their water a lot.  

 Ram cichlids can survive without plants, but they probably won't be nearly as happy. Small cichlids like rams do not like to feel exposed, and that is why they like the protection of a planted aquarium.

-- Ron
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