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Tumor on Betta?

23 11:12:41

My betta has a blackish tumor on it's nose, I don't know how to feed it, or even what to do with it! I'd greatly appreciate it if you could help me, here is a picture.

it tries to eat, but it just keeps missing! It lately taken to just laying at the bottom of the tank... It's two week sold since I've had it, but looks to be be 2 years old...


 You do have a very sick fish. It could be a boil and if that is what it is it will go away on its own. Sometimes they get growths that are unexplainable. In looking at the pictures, he looks very thin. If you look at him from above, do his scales look like the are popping off in a sort of pine cone look? As much as I don't like saying it, it might be best to euthanize him. You can wait a little since I don't know if you bought him that way of if it happened after. If he isn't eating, that is a very bad thing in regards to Betta fish. You can try to hand feed him. Take the food with a pair of tweezers and put the food right at his mouth. Do not let go of it until he has grabbed it and is eating it. If this doesn't help, then I would say the outlook is not good and you will most likely lose him. You can try to make him as comfortable as possible until he goes on his own. Lower the water level so that he doesn't have too far to go. Since he won't be in deep water, changing it out every day is very important. You want to keep his water as close to perfect as you can. Make sure the tank you have him in has a heater that is set to 82 degrees. If I can be of any more assistance please let me know.